Grow with Amazon

Fees for Selling on Letsbuy99 Platform

Refer to the end of this page to see the commission structure based on your products category.

Fees are deducted from each unit sold, and the net value after the deduction of the fees is transferred to the merchant’s business bank account on our settlement dates.

  • Commission
    • This is a fixed percentage deducted from the product selling price of each unit sold. The percentage varies depending on the product subcategory.
  • Pickup/Delivery Fee (not applicable as of now)
    • At the moment this fee is not in effect yet. We will inform our merchants ahead of time when it will be in effect. As of now, Letsbuy99 will launch without this fee in effect.
  • OPTIONAL: Free Shipping
    • You can sponsor the shipping cost of specific products you chose from your catalog in order to display them as “Free Shipping” on the website. This encourages customers to order from you. In this case the customer will not pay any shipping fees towards those items. The merchant will bear the cost, and it will be deducted by Letsbuy99 from the merchant’s item’s selling price.
      • Deducted Fee: AED 10


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